In a bankruptcy, unsecured creditors get repaid after secured lenders. 在破产程序中,无担保债权人通常在有担保的借贷人之后才能获得清偿。
With the blessing of local authorities, Mr Kwong has secured a revised financing package from two leading mainland lenders, which will slash its$ 200m-a-year debt burden. 在地方政府的支持下,邝汇珍从内地两大银行获得了经过修改的融资计划,将为公司减少每年2亿美元的债务负担。
It may be too late for Chrysler's secured creditors and if GM's lenders cannot reach a voluntary agreement, they may face a similar fate. 对于克莱斯勒的担保债权人来说,现在已为时过晚,如果通用的债主不能自愿达成共识,他们也将面临类似的命运。